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Peaceful Dreams

  JumbosellerMusic ID: 83647
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Audio File WAV 14.62 Mb.$10.00

File Details:

Published: 04/09/2015
Category: classical easy listening holidays Viewed: 279 Downloads: 0 Keywords adventure anticipation bells bouncy bright cartoon celebratory cheerful christmas classic children cinematic emotional fairy tale festive family gifts glockenspiel happy holiday inspirational inspiring jingle jolly joyful lively lovely kids motivational new year nostalgic orchestra positive peaceful piano presentation presents romantic santa seasonal sleigh snow strings warm winter x-mas xmas light mellow Description: It’s mood is very positive, motivational and triumphant, drawing feelings of health, success, vitality, strength, and longevity. Perfect for your holiday commercial, product video, or anything else that needs that perfect seasonal touch. Copyright Holder: Jumbo seller Music