Category:AUDIOcinematicasianViewed: 136Downloads: 0Keywords:epicfilm scorebuddhistbuddhist chantsasianspiritualfantasyDescription: EPIC SCORE - versatile instrumentation of Asian influence with a tone of spirituality proportioned by Buddhist monk chantings embedded by subtle sound effects. Illustrating tranquility, sublimeness, spirituality, self-discovery, beauty, mystery, fantasy.
AMBIENCE - an inspiring sense of awe and deep spiritual energy, a slow but capturing tempo. The instrumentation is versatile using elements of Asian influence (such as typical asian string instruments, percussion, flutes and horns) and is underlined with various Buddhist chants (throat chants as well as monk choirs).
COMPOSITION FOR Film, TV and Video Games - the track was composed as fantasy music score, illustrating an ancient Buddhist monk monastery in the middle of a tropical environment. A place of tranquility and incredible power, a center where for thousands of years, men and women have prepared their bodies and minds to transcend the physical world. The track could perfectly be used in the context of documentaries, film and TV of asian buddhist influence as well as Fantasy.Copyright Holder: cepe (Christian Peitsch)Model release: No